• united states seventh fleet    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 加拿大商嘉儂有限公司

      ...nd development and sales offices in Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, United States, Taiwan, India and the United Kingdom.

      電話:02-87328879    地址:台北市信義區基隆路二段51號6F-4

      電話:0233223758    地址:台北市大安區金山南路二段222號2樓
    3. 美商中央採購股份有限公司

      ... in 1968, the company currently operates over 300 stores across the United States and is a leader in marketing products directly to the consumer through catalogues and the internet.

      電話:04-23016677    地址:台中市西區英才路530號14樓之6
    4. 杰德創意影音管理股份有限公司

      Portico Media is a leading independent media company specializing inthe aggregation and production of compelling video entertainment channels,with distribution across Asia and United States on all platforms.Our channel lineup includes All Sports Network, Euronews, Kidsco and more.

      電話:02-27019901    地址:台北市大安區敦化南路二段128號6樓
    5. 合縱聯運股份有限公司

      *C-TPAT member certified by Homeland Security Department of USA*United States F.M.C. Bonded and licensed NVOCC*USA and Canada AMS, ACS, AES self-filers*Registered NVOCC with the Beijing government*Registered NVOCC in Germany and EU countries*26 branch offices and 73 agents in the world*Import/Export...

      電話:02-27473788    地址:台北市松山區光復南路地圖

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